Campaign to finance automatic tool to upload SLP tokens


Campaign overview

Funded 14 days ago
2.00 / 2.00 BCH

Project idea summary

New software helps developers of tokens on the Bitcoin Cash network to easily upload icons to slp-token-icons repo for their tokens.

who am I

Salem Kode is a web developer. I worked on the development of the lbox library and the development of Flip Starter, in addition to building a new project called faststarter. I also seek to spread the Bitcoin cash culture in my surroundings.

Pictures from the interface of the application I am working on

Ui of project

I know many people are having issues uploading their SLP tokens to the SLP block explorer. creating the icons in the correct formats is not only a burden on the icon creater but also the explorer have to check many details and work with them to fix issues.

This tool helps both sides to upload and get icons in the reviewer easily.

How it works?

User upload an origianl image, specify the token ID and name. Server will verify the image, resize the token and create a PR to the icons repo.

It will improve the SLP experince for token creators and make sure the images are correctly resized to the correct denomination without much human intervention.

The project will need to keep the server. After this campaign, I will buy a server for a year to ensure that this service continues to work

Some parts of the project have been completed. If the campaign is funded, I will finish the project and upload it as an open source project.